By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Moving in together can be a trial; an experiment of if you and your significant other can stand one another after you're in close proximity on daily basis. Some couples pass with flying colors, and some... well, some won't. If you are in this second category, and you must make sure that your ex gets out and keeps out, then it's important to be sure you do not skip a trick on the subject of the moving out process in Denver.
If you want to be certain they are unable to play the, "Well, I'm in the neighborhood, and remembered I still had some belongings to pick up," card, then you should adhere to these pointers.
Tip #1: Get Organized
Whenever you are living with someone, your things will usually mingle. Having said that, if you have separated, then it is time to re-draw those lines to make it clear whose things are whose. Therefore, proceed room by room, and set all your ex's belongings aside. This is likely to be tougher than it sounds, both because of the feelings connected to the things, and since you'll be continually preparing a list of things you now need to replace. But you ought to do it quickly, and efficiently. Rip the band-aid off all at once, and the sting will probably fade away quicker.
Tip #2: Get It Out of Your House
Once you have all of your ex's belongings in one location, don't just put it in a closet, or perhaps leave it in a extra room in your home. You need it out of your house, so that you can breathe for a bit and distance yourself from the memories.
throw it out the window or dump it out on the curb (fulfilling as that may be, contingent on your situation). Yet, find their belongings a home other than your place. Leave it with one of your ex's best friends or move it to their mother's home. In the event that all else fails, hire a professional mover in Denver and get a storage space. Give your ex the key to the storage locker so that they can go get it when they're ready for it. But do not allow it to stay in your house; the last thing you will want when trying to pick up and move on is an elephant remaining in the corner.
Tip #3: Get Them A Different Home
One more thing your ex might drag their feet on is finding a place to move to, now that you've separated. And of course, finding a residence is no fun task, particularly when you're doing it on your own. Which is the reason, while you have plenty of other stuff to carry out, you should help search for a place for them to move.
Whether it means finding another apartment which is available and in their price range (on the other side of town) or chatting with your pals to determine who wants an additional roommate, ensure you don't let the grass grow beneath your ex's feet. You'll need them out the door with their things, and when they have somewhere to live, they will not pull the guilt trip that you are just kicking them out onto the street.
Tip #4: Do Not Backslide
Breaking up is hard, there's no two ways about that. However when you must do something, it is important to take concrete steps in the direction of completion every day. If you do not possess the time, or the vigour, to pack up all things in one day, then pack a single area per day or perhaps call a moving company in Denver that will help with the packing and moving. If you're unable to drive all over town checking on apartment costs, do not worry, you've got the power of the smartphone as well as the Internet. Send a few emails or even make a couple of phone calls.
The important thing is that you are moving forward, as opposed to just staying where you are... or worse still, waiting for everything to just repair itself.
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